Hennessy Artistry 軒尼詩炫音之樂已經連續三年在全世界各地舉辦,每次均請來世界知名的音樂人表演,這次亞洲區(香港、台灣、馬來西亞) 的Asia Tour邀請了Until June 六月乍現樂團、Shayne Ward 夏恩華德、台灣新生代創作歌手Joanna Wang 王若琳 以及知名 DJ Tom Prince 為亞洲區的消費者表演。 台灣的Hennessy Artistry選擇在新開幕的紅樓河岸留言舉行,我們公司也拿到了邀請函,大家都稍微打扮了一下,一起去捧人場,現場一樣是有喝不完的特調 Hennessy V.S.O.P,舞台上則有歌手們的演出,Until June對我來說是個陌生的團體,不過聽說他在國外已經相當知名,Joanna Wang則是第一次聽他現場演唱,她慵懶的vocal的確相當吸引人,Shayne Ward則是我當時在英國時每周看著《X Factor》選秀節目,直到他拿到冠軍的,再加上他是曼徹斯特人,聽到久違的曼徹斯特口音有一種特別的熟悉感,而他的歌唱技巧也比它比賽時更加出色了,現場大家都遇到了不少熟人,時間就在邊聽歌邊聊天當中渡過,這次的 party 應該還算是成功吧!

Until June’s approach to songwriting is more classic in nature. Verses,choruses and bridges flow into one another as songs progress and evolve, without such rigid structures as you hear on mainstream radio. The album lends a beautiful candor seldom heard today, but Ballard & Co. are realistic, even humble about their own sound.
Recorded over the last twelve months in Sweden with legendary pop overlord Max Martin, the Brit-nominated singer’s new album – bursting with an energy few would have expected from his debut – is an unselfconscious and fruity collection of pop, R&B and electronica with world class production values taking influences from Shayne’s own iPod playlists - Prince, Ne-Yo, Justin. These are musical preferences already familiar to those who saw Shayne on his 2007 arena tour with its handful of well-chosen cover versions (‘Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough’, ‘When Doves Cry’) nestling among Shayne’s own songs.
Tom Price has been a regular in China and Hong Kong ’s dance scene for many years. Refusing to be limited in to any one genre, Tom’s musical influences range from house, techno, drum & bass, breaks, and hip hop. Futuristic, cool, deep and driving are all words that can be used to describe his raw and up-front style. Tom has supported many of the worlds finest DJs including Tiesto, Adam Freeland, Plump DJs, Mark Norman, Nick Warren and Cor Fijneman